Jie And 2 Fuck Buddies

Jie is a beautiful young woman who enjoys having sex with other women. She had always been attracted to the idea of ​​having two or more partners at the same time and was looking for someone to share a bed with. One day at a club he met two beautiful girls who were also looking for a threesome. They hit it off immediately and decided to go back to Jie's apartment for fun. Once they arrived, Jie led the girls to their bedroom and began to undress. All three took off their clothes and began exploring each other's bodies. They kissed and touched each other, feeling their hearts pounding with excitement. Jie was the first to have sex, taking one of the girls and forcing her to lie on the bed while she climbed on top of her. The other girl watched in amazement as Jie began to ride her, feeling her body move against his. He could feel the girl's tight pussy and how her body responded to Jie's movements. Jie was in heaven and felt the power of being in control. After a few minutes, Jie switched positions and forced the other girl to climb on top of her. She felt the girl's breasts pressed against her chest and her legs wrapped around her waist. Jie was in awe of the other girl's beauty and couldn't believe how lucky she was to share a bed with her. The three continued to explore each other's bodies, switching positions and exploring every inch of the other. Jie felt like she was in a dream, experiencing the pleasure of having two beautiful women in bed with her. As they orgasmed, all three let out loud moans and cries of pleasure. Jie felt like she was on top of the world, she felt the power of having two beautiful women sharing her bed with her. Afterwards, all three cuddled together, happy and content. They knew they would always cherish the memory of that night and the joy they shared. Title: Jie and 2 Fuck Buddies

Duration: 30:35

Views: 211

#Cumshot #Dildo #Hardcore #Fingering #Threesome



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